먹고살것2010. 8. 4. 11:19

BI vendor to transform iPad into a business tool

MicroStrategy's new analytics app for iPad, iPhone could benefit frontline workers
8/3/2010 9:10:00 AM By: Nestor Arellano

Toronto -
A business intelligence software maker is hoping to transform the iPad from a consumer gadget to a valuable business tool.

MicroStrategy Inc., based in McLean, Va., rolled out its mobile BI (business intelligence) application for Apple Inc.'s popular iPad and iPhone devices.

The app takes advantage of touch technology in the two Apple devices, said Jim Broadley, MicroStrategy Canada's country manager.

MicroStrategy already has a mobile BI app for Research in Motion's BlackBerry devices, and Broadley said his company is looking to create the same for other popular smartphones, such as the Google Android.

The iPhone and iPad (with its larger screen) are ideal devices for mobile BI applications, according to Sanju Bansal, executive vice-president and chief operating officer at MicroStrategy. He said the bigger display and multi-touch interface offered by these devices enable users to quickly access and view BI dashboards on the go.

A small screen smartphone would make viewing data difficult, while a laptop is sometimes cumbersome to carry, Bansal noted.

The iPad sidesteps these obstacles, the MicroStrategy executive noted.

Its light weight makes it easily portable, while the bigger screen allows for easy data viewing, MicroStrategy's latest mobile BI offering includes features such as: Automatic user role identification Auto-location detection through GPS data and integration with Google Maps Bar code scanning features using the iPhone's camera (Apple still has to produce an iPad with a camera) Integration with e-mail, SMS and social media Apart from multi-touch gestures native to the iPhone and iPad, MicroStrategy has also included other gestures that let users dig up additional data related to an entry, said Bansal.

MicroStaregy's Mobile BI prices range from $550 to $2,000 per user. The company is also offering customers 25 unrestricted licenses at no additional charge.

Business intelligence is breaking out from its corporate confines, according to Nigel Wallis, a research director at Toronto-based IDC Canada Ltd.

The growing interest in mobile BI is an indication of this, noted Wallis, who specializes in mobile strategy.

He said IDC has been tracking this phenomenon, and will soon release the results of its study.

"Traditionally, BI was associated with senior management and super users, who needed to see the big picture. Today more organizations are feeding that data down the corporate chain to lower-level management," said Wallis.

"Mobile BI apps have the potential to push that even further down to frontline workers."

Moving forward, he said, BI will be ported to mobile devices of sales personnel, service technicians, inspectors or employees who have direct contact with customers.

However, the type of BI data consumed by frontline workers will be very different from that gleaned by senior management, the IDC analyst observed.

"There will be no need for the deep analytical functionality demanded by super users, who make high-level decisions." Instead, frontline workers will want instant access to customer data, warehouse or delivery information, said Wallis.

The iPad, he said, would be the ideal device for such scenarios as it combines portability with ease of use.

The device's large screen makes viewing charts and graphs much simpler than it would be on a smartphone.

Yet the tablet is lighter, and has a smaller form factor than a laptop.

The absence of a real keyboard may take getting use to, but Wallis noted that many mobile personnel do not do much traditional typing anyway.

He said the iPad's touch interface is ideal for flipping through pages in a BI application or moving across data.

Having instant mobile BI could be a game changer for many small firms, he said.

"Imagine a sales person being able to determine instantly if the warehouse can cover an emergency order and then executing the needed transaction without going back to his computer."

A mobile BI tool could also be configured to help sales people quickly prioritize multiple client calls based on categories such as: time of call, route, previous engagement, or potential profitability.


Posted by AgnesKim
먹고살것2010. 5. 23. 20:59


스크랩을 해올까 했지만.
뭐 그닥 감흥은 없.

화려하거나 한 것으로 국내 기업들이 선호할만한건 오히려 이쪽.
-> RoamBI – Beautiful Mobile BI for the iPad
   ( http://timoelliott.com/blog/2010/04/roambi-%e2%80%93-beautiful-mobile-bi-for-the-ipad.html )

참.. SAP의 프레젠테이션 & 데모는 이제 좀 식상.
비지니스 시나리오좀 더 짜보지;;
BO 데모로 나온것은 비주얼도. 별로. 시나리오도 별로.

요즘 한참 SAP 에서 BO를 밀어주고 계시지만.
일단 툴 자체는. 어떻게 보면 국내 기업들의 BI 정서에는 그정도가 만만하겠지만
개발자들은 죽어날.
그리고 BW랑 BO를 다 잘 아는 사람이 거의 없기 때문에
한동안의 프로젝트 들은 다들 산으로 갈법.

그것보다도.가장 큰 문제는.
뭐 iPAD건 iPhone 어플이던.
그런것을 통해서 열심히 볼 사람도, 분석할 사람도 없다는.

EIS가 Employee Information System 이 되어왔고 계속 그럴거고.
DashBoard도 그지경인데 무슨;;

장담컨데. 향후 오년내로. 저걸 도입하는기업.
국내엔 절대 없다에 한표.
BO 도입기업에서 일부 개인 사용자들이 저걸 쓰려고 한들.
VPN을 사랑해주시는 문화에서. 과연저걸? 네버네버.

기술이. 툴이 중요하지 않다.
목적과 취지에 맞게.
있는것을 80%이상만이라도 잘 활용하는게 더 필요.
아. 80%도 과욕. 50%만이라도.

뭐. 이런말 내가 떠들면. 내 밥그릇이 줄어들겠지만;;
사실 .. 이 그렇다는;;

Posted by AgnesKim
먹고살것2010. 5. 22. 12:47



What's new? SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPAD 


With the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPhone and iPAD prototype, insight into your business is never more than a few flicks away. Through simple and fast search, intuitive data exploration and visualization, and high performance and scalability, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer allows you to answer business questions "on-the-fly" and regardless of where you are. Whether you are visiting a customer and need to see what orders they've placed, at a café dreaming up a new marketing program, or in the board room discussing this quarter's revenues, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPhone and iPad puts immediate access to all quality-decision information on the go.


Key Features
• Search across all data sources - Simply enter a few search keywords to find the most relevant information instantly from across all data sources
• Contextual exploration - Gain additional contextually relevant details when searching - no data model or data knowledge required
• Automated relevancy and chart generation - Work with a solution that presents the most relevant keyword search results first and automatically generates the chart that best represents the information
• High performance and scalability - Take advantage of the high performance and scalability you need for immediate answers across very large data sets
• Share your results instantly with others right from your iPhone and iPAD


OnDemand, OnPremise and OnDevice converge

SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPAD and iPhone have the ability to access data both OnPremise or OnDemand. With the OnDemand connectivity, you can explore, monitor and share your personal data online. To do so upload your personal data using this URL: https://bi.ondemand.com , then use the "BI OnDemand" Tab in the settings section of the application to Explore your data - Get a video of the new features here.



To learn more about SAP BusinessObjects Explorer and what it can do for your company, visit: http://www.sap.com/solutions/sapbusinessobjects/large/business-intelligence/search-navigation/explorer/index.epx

Click here for a demo video

For questions and feedback about the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPhone and iPAD prototype, please email us at innovation_center@sap.com



Compatible with iPAD, iPhone and iPod touch
Requires iPhone OS 3.2 or later

In order to use the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPhone and iPAD prototype with your business data, you must have a deployment of SAP BusinessObjects Explorer SP1 or SP2. The SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPhone and iPAD prototype application available on the Apple Store connects to SAP demo servers and provides a sample set of data for you to try out.

Language:  English



We hope you'll use this prototype to discover how SAP BusinessObjects Explorer can change the way people make decisions using insight delivered via their iPhones and iPAD. Please provide us feedback to make sure we know how you're using this and things you would like to see it do in the future.Also stay connected with SAP BusinessObjects innovation center RSS feed or Twitter feed.

Please remember, this is a prototype only and NOT for use in production environments.


Download SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPhone prototype

출처 : http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/boc/innovation-center?rid=/webcontent/uuid/706569f0-989c-2c10-5ca4-e945dc3368e3

Posted by AgnesKim